Information for doctors

The Specialbed for sit and rise is a medical aid in compliance with the German Medical Product Law (MPG) and the German Code of Social Law V (SGB V) § 33 (Aid device no. and the German Code of Social Law XI (SGB XI) § 40 (Care aid device no.

The Specialbed for sit and rise has been used for many years very successfully in domestic and institutional care situations. With the Specialbed for sit and rise bed, patients regain the ability to get out of bed completely independently or with minimal support. The patient can participate more actively and more frequently in life and he moves more regularly.

The aim of medical therapy and treatment is to increase and maintain the patient’s levels of mobility. This requirement is fulfilled in many ways when the Specialbed for sit and rise bed is used and is therefore a prescribable aid device in accordance with SGB V § 23.1. Patient experience verifies that with the Specialbed for sit and rise bed in addition to physical help, important psychological support is also received.

Doctors are specialists in diagnosing and determining therapy for patients. It is their responsibility to prescribe aids which are suited to improving and maintaining their patients’ physical and mental/psychological health. (SGB V § 23.1.1 + 3; SGB V § 27.1 + .2). This includes the reintegrating the patient as extensively as possible in his world to reduce psychological stress.


Doctors must check assistance aids before prescribing them to find out about their basic functions in order to best support the therapy and treatment of patients. These basic functions are to be indicated in the prescription or appendix.
Prescribing the Specialbed for sit and rise bed in accordance with the instructions given by health insurers can be considered when:

there is an indication for an insertion frame or care bed with lying height adjustment,
requirement for the lying surface to be able to swivel and put into a sitting position,
other measures or alternative provision options are ruled out,
the insured patient is able to get into/out of bed independently when using the product.
The aids prescribed by the doctor do not affect his/her budget for medicines and remedies.

Prescription example:

bed-in-a-bed system with electrical-mechanical aid for standing up (aid device no. and care aid device no. in accordance with the appendix.

Example of certificate:

Mr/ Ms ..... is on account of his/her present symptoms is at present not, or only rarely, able to get into and out of bed without help. In order to ensure an acceptable provision of care, it is necessary to have a bed which will raise Mr/Ms and put him/her into a sitting position and which will manoeuvre him/her from a sitting position into a lying position. The mobility of Mr/Ms… will be maintained and may even be increased as a result, or will be achieved for the first time. The patient will not require constant help from others when getting in and out of bed.

Attachment: product description of the Specialbed for sit and rise bed with pictures.
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