Acquiring a Specialbed for sit and rise bed

The Specialbed for sit and rise multi-positional bed is an aid in accordance with §33 of the German Code of Social Law V. The aid number is approved. Applications from the health or care insurance may have to be approved with this (see the German Federal Social Law AZ. 8RKR27/96). For individual cases, it is advisable that the prescribing doctor produces a certificate with the prescription with similar content as follows:

Mr/ Ms ..... is on account of his/her present symptoms is at present not, or only rarely, able to get into and out of bed without help. In order to ensure an acceptable provision of care, it is necessary to have a bed which will raise Mr/Ms and put him/her into a sitting position and which will manoeuvre him/her from a sitting position into a lying position. The mobility of Mr/Ms… will be maintained and may even be increased as a result, or will be achieved for the first time. The patient will not need permanent help from others when getting in and out of bed. .

The prescribing doctor should understand that the prescription for this Specialbed for sit and rise aid will not affect his/her medication and remedy budget. As an expert, he/she is recommending helpful assistance and not a product based on the patient’s symptoms.

If the patient has already been supplied with a conventional care bed and insertion bed, the medical company should include in the application that this aid is no longer suitable due to the change in the patient’s state of health and as a result of technical development. By using the Specialbed for sit and rise multi-positional bed the patient’s life will change positively and carers will be prevented from suffering excessive strain.

The nursing home then sends the prescription, medical certificate, application and the quote for the Specialbed for sit and rise multi-positional bed with accessories to the health insurance company concerned.

For more precise assessment, the health insurance can also ask the MDK (Medizinischer Dienst der Krankenkassen = Medical Service for Health Insurers) to examine the case on site. The health insurer will inform the patient of the reasons for its decision.

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